Sunday, April 12, 2009

Our Big Adventure

We were so excited to go on our first safari, it was private reserve about 3 hours north of Johannesburg. The very first thing we saw were wart hogs. And we took about 100 pictures thinking that was real neat.
Then we saw a pack of elephants and we took about 100 more pictures. We saw lots of different kinds of antelopes everywhere and lots of wilder beasts.
We got lucky we think to see the lions on 2 different days. We took lots of pictures of them to but we were so excited that most of them turned out blurry.
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Akayleia said...

Wow! That is so amazing! I bet it was neat to see all those animals in real life in their natural surroundings. I can't even imagine what the must feel like! Brandon and I will save up our pennies so we can come.

Akayleia said...

Wow! That is the coolest thing! I can't even imagine how inspiring it must be to see those animals in their natural surroundings. It's like National Geographic right in front of you! Brandon and I will save up our pennies so we can come visit.

Ashley said...

We'll start saving our pennies too! That looks like SO much fun!