Sunday, April 19, 2009

Beyond Cape Town

The weather was so perfect! South Africa is just going into winter so everyday was about 70-75 degrees and I have to admit it was a bit nippy for me at night. It was crazy shopping at the mall because they have all of their winter clothing out. It was quite hard finding some summer things. We drove down to Cape Point, it was glorious!
On the way back we stopped by to visit the penguins. We had fun watching them waddle about.
Here are the kids in the van that they named the "hippopotabus" It was a huge white utility looking van and the girls would always tease that we better remember where we parked because there was no way we would ever find it!
John was a wonderful GPS.+
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1 comment:

M. Moore said...

I like seeing the penguins in there tuxedos. Hee hee.