Tuesday, May 18, 2010

From a worm to a fairy

We had the pleasure of watching Gwen's class preform a riveting musical call "Wormzzz" and you guessed it, it was all about worms. Gwen played the part of a worm. They sang songs called- Valentine 5 times my heart, Hermaphrodite Rap, and my personal favorite Wriggly Worm Samba. It was hysterical and very informative.
Gwen has started a new book series that is all about Fairies called Rainbow Magic and she just loves them. So she was very excited that the school was having dress up as your favorite book character day, her friend told her that she would be a fairy to and that they would be so pretty.
So the morning of dress up day Gwen announced that she didn't want to be a fairy any more, she was afraid the boys at school would make fun of her for being pretty. So she insisted on wearing her Sally costume from the Nightmare Before Christmas. (I didn't have the heart to tell her it wasn't a book) Can you guess who Jay is?
The weather here has plummeted to about 78 degrees and it is gorgeous! It's very funny when I go out in the morning for my jog at about 5:30 all the guards are wearing coats!
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V said...

Hey! I've read some of those fairy books! Did you know they even have fairies for different musical instruments? They even have a fairy for drums! And Jay is so dashing!

mmcpherson said...

wait, did I read that right, does it say hermaphrodite. That does sound interesting. I just love that Gwenny. And that is the perfect costume for Jay. That pooh is a big hit in our house. I miss you guys and hope I see you a few times this summer.

Tara said...

That is so cute about Gwen! She looks cute in both costumes!