Friday, April 23, 2010

Relief Society/Branch Party

We had a lovely activity for the birthday celebration of the Relief Society. A sister made the lovely cake in the middle with the RS seal on it. I made lemon pound cake.
The whole branch was invited and it was a great turn out. We use plastic lawn chairs for seating, one of the problems with them is that you can't squeeze more people in like you can on a bench. Space is getting to be an issue, it's wonderful!!
This is Ana, one of my piano students. She speaks zero English, and I speak almost zero Portuguese! Thank heavens there is another lady who is taking piano and she speaks English, unfortunately she doesn't come very often. We manage though, because her book is in Portuguese and mine in English. We both have willing hearts and that must count for something.

Aren't they cute! I think this is the oldest lady here. She is 86 and amazing! The building we meet in for church is 3 stories and our main room is on the top floor so there are a lot of stairs. She climbs them no problem. She is a major family history buff. And a wonderful missionary. She serves as the primary secretary.
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M. Moore said...

Yummmm...lemon pound cake. Fun celebration photos. That beautiful woman does not look 86! Find her secret and then bottle it for the rest of us.

Heidi said...

You look beautiful as always, Auntie!

Tara said...

how wonderful! what beautiful women! What a challenge to teach piano in another language! You're awesome!