Monday, October 5, 2009

Around Town

This picture John took from a window of our new church building. It's a typical looking street here. It's not the rainy season yet but we have had a few light storms. As you can see there is no where for the water to go. It doesn't help that everyone throws their household water out into the street.
Street shopping where you can buy fruit, fish, flipflops, you name it. Children roam freely unsupervised by adults here.
In the background of this photo there is a space needle looking sculpture. It was a gift from Russia.
Maren climbing an Imbonderieo tree, I'm happy to say she was able to get down with no problem.
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1 comment:

M. Moore said...

Looks pretty exotic. Doesn't it make you want to implement the "Adopt a Highway" program? Africa has it's problems but I think it's a magical place.