Sunday, February 22, 2009

Getting out of town

After you have been here awhile you develop a strong urge to go faster then 30 mph. It's odd enough that you can't just get in your car and go when you need to be some where, you have to call and arrange for a car which takes some getting used to. And of course we are not allowed to drive here. The traffic is just so congested that you rarely go very fast for very long. So we planned a beach day on Saturday and it was so nice to leave the city and enjoy the beauties of Angola. The picture above is one of the markets on the edge of town we like to go to. You can buy all kinds of stuff there, let me know if any of you would like the aligator skin! John's getting pretty good at bartering.
It's currently the rainy season so things have greened up a bit. It's a blessing to have the rain but also a curse because in the city most of the roads are not paved and the dirt is like clay and it doesn't absorb so huge puddles are every where and it turns into this black murky looking stuff for mosquitos to congregate.
This reminded me of Bryce Canyon.
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1 comment:

M. Moore said...

WOW! Thanks for posting more landscape photos. It's great to see what you are enjoying! Beautiful!