Monday, February 16, 2009

The first dance of the year!

This past weekend was the first dance of the year so Jana and her friends came to our house to get ready. They just hung out and ate and talked and laughed and laughed and talked, about 20 minutes before it was time to go they decide to get ready they threw their dresses on and brushed their teeth and they were off.
Don't they look great!
Maren went to a friends house to get ready. She was super excited because it was her first dance!! They started to get ready 2 hours before it was time to go.
Don't they look great too! The girls had a wonderful time because everybody danced! There was no standing around at the dance because Angolans love to dance. They did say it got really hot though.
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The Lamoreaux Family said...

Jana and Maren are looking so grown up and beautiful!

Amelia said...

Don't they look cute, modest is definitely hottest!

M. Moore said...

Waaaawoooo! So stinkin' pretty! I love you Jana and Maren.