Saturday, January 24, 2009

Will's New Dig's

I don't know if I can adaquately discribe the emotional roller coaster that I have been on for the last month. Seeing your first child leave home is scary enough without throwing in any special needs. But we feel abundantly blessed to have Will in this unique center that helps young men with high functioning autism and other disabilities to learn some independent and social skills.
I'm pleased to report that Will is very happy there and has all ready made some progress. He has a super attitude which in itself a miracle. He has friends! Wow, so long he has wanted friends. He has his own room as do all who live there. There is a cafateria that he eats at and he also has a fridge in his room.
He loves to play volleyball. He plays every night and some lunch breaks. He also works at the center doing various things from jantorial duties to shoveling snow. His favorite thing to do is workout in the gym. He has a gorgeous coach in her 20's that I'm sure adds to his enjoyment.
The main reason that I can keep my sanity while living an ocean away from my boy is because of these 2 amazing Aunt's of his. Susie and Will have always clicked she is so good to him.
And Linda was the one who found this center in the first place, she is about a mile away! Thank you my dear, dear sisters I love you and appreciate you beyond words!
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V said...

Hey, Will and I found a Portugese book I think you could use, but I don't know your address where I can mail it or even your new email address! Drop me a line!

Belinda said... seems to change wether we're ready for it or not! We think about you all SO much,
love Belinda

M. Moore said...

Will's hair cut looks great! I'm happy to see that he's settled in. I Will's parents are adjusting as easily!