Wednesday, January 12, 2011

25 years and counting

True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well being for ones companion. -Gordon B. Hinckley
25 years have flown by. We have really had more adventures then we had set out to have. I'm so grateful to have my best friend and better half with me all the way. He believes in me more then I believe in myself. (Don't tell John, but I think I got the better end of the deal!) PS-kids you have 25 years to plan a big shindig for our 50th! We expect lots of grandchildren to put on a very long talent show.


The Lamoreaux Family said...

Congratulations! You guys look great for 25 years! I'm glad we can say that we have been a part of your adventures!

Rachel M said...

What a beautiful couple! Congratulations on 25 years! Love you!

Belinda said...

How wonderful! Congratulations xx