Thursday, March 18, 2010

Butterflies, skateboards and guess who?

We have butterflies here by the thousands, they are getting to the end of their life span and so they are slower and easier to catch. Gwen is very gentle with them, she will keep one as a pet everyday and then let it go.
Jay's friend loaned him his swivel board and he loves it! I'm amazed that anyone can stay up on one of these. He is saving his money in hopes of getting on over the summer.
I came across this picture and every time I see it I crack up out loud. Can you name those in the photo above?
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Greg and Leigh said...

What a great picture of Gwenie!! Looks like Jay needs to come skiing. And isn't Grandpa a hunk even when he is standing next to you know who!

V said...

Wow, Jay is so talented! I'm sure I would fall off. And I love Gwennie and her butterflies. So much fun!

M. Moore said...

Cool, butterflies! For some reason I thought butterflies migrated. Someone needs to read National Geographic a little closer. Can't wait to see Jay on his swivel board this Summer. Also, I don't know who's in the photo but the guy pointing looks like Rock Hudson. hee hee

Heidi said...

I LOVE this picture. Thanks for posting it. I've wanted to show it to Joe!

Ruthie said...

Hey Reedy's, I guess you are all in your bed's right now 3.30 am or something. I"m up and getting ready for church this afternoon! We don't get Conference till next week as we're ahead! Looks like you're all having lots of fun.

Happy Easter

Love the Bardsleys

Daniel said...

Robert Redford!!! Thats the picture Grandpa brought back for Grandma when she asked for a picture of Robert Redford.