Sunday, February 7, 2010

Primary Day Activity

Yesterday was such a fun activity. The leaders talked about the importance of dressing modestly. This building that we meet for church used to be a hotel. The church refurbished it some and is renting it. It has 3 stories this room is on the top. We meet for Sacrament meeting in here. It has lots of windows, so when the power goes out (which is a lot of the time) we can open the windows for a nice hot breeze.
These 2 little ladies are so adorable!! Kenje on the left, Bebe on the right. They are best friends and when they see each other they embrace then give each other a kiss on both cheeks. They loved the suckers, talk about sticky!!
Then they had a relay of putting on clothes. They loved it. After that they made paper dolls and put paper clothes on them. I know you can't tell by the picture but it was so hot!
After that John painted the back wall where there was a wee fire when the circuit breaker box shorted out, it probably wouldn't have caused much damage had there not been a clock hanging above it. Almost all of the buildings here are made out of cement so nothing burns down.
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1 comment:

Amelia said...

This looks like so much fun. What an adventure you are having.