Sunday, November 22, 2009

International Day

This is our favorite celebration of the year. It starts off with a parade with all the countries dressed in their native dress carrying their flag. It's so pretty with all the colors and the pride of ones own country is wonderful. Above is a picture of some Angolans doing traditional dancing. They did a great job.
Then there is a brief program with as many countries that want to participate in it. This year USA did a tribute to American sports. Gwen was a flag twirler.
Jay was is the baseball scene. (He wasn't to thrilled about wearing a High School Musical uniform)
I wish there was room to show all the pictures because some of the costumes were so beautiful. Above is Columbia.
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1 comment:

M. Moore said...

Looks like a lot of fun. You'll have to tell me the details when we see you in a few short weeks. Yay!