Sunday, March 15, 2009

Neiman Marcus Groceries

I'm still shocked by the cost of produce at a store here called "Casa de Frescos" I only by produce there when I 'm in dying for a green salad. Iceburg lettuce is shipped in and for some reason I can only find it at this particular store. All you see in the picture above cost about $80. I must say I eat the salads much slower here and savor every bite!
This looks just like the pizza you can buy in the states execpt it costs about $10 for this wee little box. And there is something else different can you spot it?
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Missy said...

ha ha ha with pineapple and macon? looks delish!

M. Moore said...

I also like macon with my eggs. Sheesh! And I thought NYC was expensive.

Belinda said...

I'll never complain about my food bills again! Is Gwen looking forward to her birthday??? Rachel was speaking about her the other day...and we still refer to the Aberdeen ward as Gwennie's church!!!

Just a ranch girl said...

Brace yourself for when you come back to the US. Things are how they used to be!!!