Saturday, March 28, 2009

Looking for a job change?

Here are some jobs that you wouldn't find everyday in the states.
Water carrier, not so bad when going down hill and remember the buckets are empty one way.
Gardening is nice, you get out in the fresh air and get to enjoy the beauties of nature and get a great workout edging the grass with a machete.
This is a Taxi here (a condangero) and there are hundreds of these vans. You don't need to wear a seatbelt here so as many as you can get in means more money. Down side of this is they are not air conditioned and deoderant is unheard of here.
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Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!

This guy I think lives in this tent but his job is to watch a car lot full of brand new cars that don't appear to be moving any where.
Street sweeping is a very common job here. I would be so annoyed be this job because you finish sweeping one day only to find that the dirt is back the next. I guess that's job security.
There is construction literally everywhere. It doesn't seem to move very fast, then again that could be job security.
You can always count on the "amiga ladies" but they may not have the produce you're looking for. You learn to buy what they have.
They have it pretty good they can take their children to work with them and if they are lucky enough to have their own umbrellas it's not to hot.
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Friday, March 20, 2009

Gwen's Birthday Party and the Pope's Visit

Even though Gwen's Birthday is not until the 30th. We have spring break here then and all of her friends would be gone on holiday. We were originally going to have her party today, but no sooner did she have her invitations out and the school annouced that school would be closed because of the Pope's visit. Not because everyone would be going to see him but because of the amount a people pouring into the city causing all kinds of traffic problems.
Maren was a huge help with the very active little girls. We made book marks, bead bracelets, and butterfly cookies. We played pin the tail on the donkey and freeze dance.
Aren't they adorable.
Here is a billboard annoucing the Pope's visit. So as you watch the world news today look close at the city of Luanda and you can have a glimpse of our life here. John has the day off also! We have been told to not go into the city at all until after the Pope leaves on Monday.
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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Neiman Marcus Groceries

I'm still shocked by the cost of produce at a store here called "Casa de Frescos" I only by produce there when I 'm in dying for a green salad. Iceburg lettuce is shipped in and for some reason I can only find it at this particular store. All you see in the picture above cost about $80. I must say I eat the salads much slower here and savor every bite!
This looks just like the pizza you can buy in the states execpt it costs about $10 for this wee little box. And there is something else different can you spot it?
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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Will lost his wisdom picture

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Will lost his wisdom

Well, his wisdom teeth anyway. He also had some more baby teeth removed to make room for his permanent teeth. My sister's took very good care of him making sure he was well feed. He had minimal swelling, my niece took this picture and sent it to me (thanks so much Val!) I'm happy to report he has since showered and SHAVED!!
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It's just the pits!

Jana has "Junioritis" I know what your thinking it's suppose to be "Senioritis" but she has it early for a couple of reasons.
1. Her gal pal, chum, amiga or good buddy moved. 2. She has to decide on her extended essay for IB. It's no small essay 4000 words that she will be working on until it's due next spring. She thought she had her topic and now she's not so sure and the deadline to have her topic in is drawing very nigh. She is stressed. It's just the pits!
But besides that she is wonderful, she is very busy and full of life. I never have to wake her up for seminary or beg her to practice the piano or do her homework. She has been our faithful lunch maker going for 3 years. She's remarkable, amazing, tender, lovable and a pure delight. She is always inspiring me to be a better.
Summer will soon be here. Just hang on darlin'!
Anybody have any ideas for a 4000 word essay?
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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

February in a nutshell

Gwen had a 3 bears assembly where they acted out the story with sock puppets and sang songs. It was adorable.
We love having people over from the branch to get to know them, we had a great time playing PIT with them.
Jana and Maren have started a small business of selling and making(with a little help from me) whole wheat bread. It is going way better then we anticipated! We have the deafening sound of the wheat grinder going all the time.
Gwen was so excited to participate in her first race, when she got out of the water second to last she asked if she won anything! I was very glad to see that they used kick boards because she just started to really swim in August. She thought it was great fun.
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